Climate Change Innovation Programme

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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This call for applications aims to support companies interested in working with researchers and developers to experiment and evaluate the feasibility of a well-developed idea. Selected companies may apply for one or several activities that do not exceed a total grant of EUR 20,000.

Benefiting companies will contribute to a share of the activities’ cost (see below for more details).

The grants will be paid upon the successful completion of the project to the company and according to a grant agreement signed between the EBRD and selected companies.

This call for applications is open in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia.

Covered R&D includes:

Climate adaptation projects:

  • Review of crop selection and assessing alternatives;
  • Assessment of engineering structures to deal with water shortage or saline issues;
  • New irrigation systems that require less water.

Climate mitigation measures:

  • Innovations and technologies that reduce GHG emission in production;
  • Introducing new material that is more environmentally friendly;
  • Promote circular economy.

Biodiversity measures:

  • Improvement in crop rotations (longer rotations with higher diversity of crops to break pest development cycles and reduce pesticide use / improve soil biodiversity, cover cropping, etc.)
  • Intercropping, agroforestry production: can offer higher resilience to climate change and benefits in terms of biodiversity (more diversity of species, etc.)
  • Early warning systems for extreme weather events and pest infestation – can limit crop loss and reduce pesticide usage so beneficial for ecosystem, pollinators etc.
  • Precision farming technologies (can reduce fertiliser and pesticide usage etc…) – Promotion of local / heirloom varieties.

The types of services that are eligible to the programme are:

  • Research on feasibility of new product: opportunity analysis, market research, concept development, prototyping and testing
  • Software development: (front-end, backend algorithm development)
  • Hardware development (engineering, industrial product design, product adaptation)
  • Formula development for non-tech innovation, such as recipes/shelf life for agrofood, mixes of inputs for new products, etc.
  • Prototyping
  • Testing
  • Certification
  • Intellectual Property protection
  • IT component development
  • Process improvement
  • Calls for Applications – Window for Application Submission
    15 March 2024 – 15 May2024
    During this period, EBRD staff can answer of your questions. Please contact the relevant country
    How to apply
    • Complete the application form and prepare all necessary documents.
    • Send by email to the country where you are based (see emails in section above). In the
    subject please mention: [EBRD Climate Change Innovation Programme]: Company Name
    • During the application period, EBRD staff may reach out for more information and
    clarification on the proposed innovation or research partner.

Countries covered:

  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Tunisia