Entrepreneurship support structures-Maghroum’IN project

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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The project “Participation and inclusion of young Tunisians through creation, access to culture and sport at local level” or Maghroum’IN is component 2 of the EU4Youth programme of the European Union in Tunisia under an agreement with the Tunisian government.

Within the framework of EU4Youth, the Maghroum’IN component aims to strengthen the inclusion and participation of young Tunisians (especially in vulnerable situations) in public life through creativity, culture and sport, while taking into account the different forms of exclusion.

Maghroum’IN is implemented by AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation), FIIAPP (International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies) and the British Council, in partnership with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The Maghroum’IN project started in January 2022 and will last approximately 5 years. It has a budget of 15.46 million euros.

1.2 Objectives of Maghroum’IN

The project devotes a significant portion of its budget to granting subsidies to actors and actions on the ground. Maghroum’IN’s grant funds aim to meet the needs of state and non-state actors (civil society and the private sector) who work towards the inclusion and participation of young Tunisians in public life through creativity, culture and sport.


This funding is complemented by support, technical assistance and coaching activities aimed at helping (before, during and after the projects) the selected actors and maximizing their impact on young people.

Maghroum’IN, in accordance with the objectives of the EU4Youth programme, attaches particular importance to taking into account the different situations of vulnerability, including in particular:

  • Socio-economic vulnerabilities
  • Physical vulnerabilities: disability limiting access
  • Vulnerabilities linked to geographical isolation
  • Psychological vulnerabilities
  • Information vulnerabilities, including limited participation in the media
  • Gender-related vulnerabilities

Section 2: Purpose of the mission

Maghroum’IN’s Axis 3 aims to increase opportunities for economic inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations (JSV), in the sports and culture sectors.

The intervention of the Maghroum’IN project on this Axis 3 will be done on two components:

  • Component 3.1: incubation of new entrepreneurial projects led by young people in the economic sectors of culture and sport.
  • Component 3.2: acceleration and revival of existing structures with potential for creating or maintaining jobs for JSV.

The identification of beneficiaries of this Axis 3 (young entrepreneurs and established companies) will be led by the Maghroum’IN project team through a national call for applications. Financial support in the form of grants will be directly administered by Maghroum’IN through contracts with the beneficiary companies.

To achieve the objectives of this Axis, Maghroum’IN is looking for Tunisian entrepreneurship support structures capable of supporting the identification of beneficiaries and ensuring personalized and local technical support for both beneficiary profiles (young entrepreneurs and established companies).

Section 3: Roles and Responsibilities, Deliverables

For component 3.1 (new entrepreneurial projects), the aim is to administer a comprehensive incubation program that will result in the creation of new businesses by the beneficiaries.

  1. Support for the selection of beneficiaries: contribute to the selection of young entrepreneurs, particularly in vulnerable situations, who demonstrate high potential to launch projects in the targeted sectors (sports and culture).
  2. Training and mentoring: Administration of intensive training sessions covering specific themes in entrepreneurship. This program will also include personalized mentoring by experts in the sector.
  3. Project development: Support for young entrepreneurs in structuring their projects, writing business plans and conducting market studies, and launching their businesses.
  4. Access to financing: Assistance in developing financing application files and connecting with investors. Planning and supporting the use of the grant provided by Maghroum’IN.
  5. Networking: Organization of events and meetings with key players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in order to create networking and partnership opportunities.

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia