Green Hydrogen Morocco Camp: From Theory to Action

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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From July 1 to 6, 2024, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN), and the European Union funded MED-GEM Network organize a summer school and a hackathon under the theme “Green Hydrogen Morocco Camp: From Theory to Action.”
An ambitious initiative to promote green hydrogen in Morocco and raise awareness among 40 selected candidates.

Why Participate?

  • Gain practical skills and in-depth knowledge about green hydrogen.
  • Collaborate with peers from diverse disciplines and industry experts.
  • Contribute to the development of a green economy in Morocco and beyond.
  • Chance to win a study trip to Europe and other exciting prizes.

Countries covered:

  • Morocco