The CEDRO 5 project aims at working on several activities to achieve the objectives outlined above. In particularly, the project aims at enhancing innovation, entrepreneurship and research (Activity 1), assisting in technology transfer and the creation of new value chains in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector (Activity 2), supporting and initiating enabling policy (Activity 3), training and capacity building (Activity 4), and targeting effective awareness initiatives on RE and EE (Activity 5). This call for beneficiaries targets the selection of industrial facilities for the implementation of several pilot projects in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
The CEDRO 5 project seeks to support the selected beneficiaries through technical assistance and partial grant funding towards sustainable energy interventions particularly related to:
(1) solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with energy storage, variable drive gensets, and advanced energy management techniques,
(2) solar thermal systems,
(3) biogas, and
(4) energy efficiency applications.
This activity is undertaken with the support of the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) and the Lebanon Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Finance Facility (LEEREFF).