11 million € to finance capitalisation projects. Focus on the transfer, exploitation and mainstreaming of knowledge and results developed under different Euro-Mediterranean initiatives.
The objective of the call for capitalisation projects is to foster the transfer, exploitation and mainstreaming of knowledge and results developed under different Euro-Mediterranean initiatives, including the ENPI/ENI CBC Med Programmes, the Union for the Mediterranean and the Interreg MED Programme.
The Managing Authority is pleased to announce that the third call for proposals was published today. For this last call under the 2014-2020 period, the Joint Monitoring Committee (decision-making body of the Programme) has decided to focus on capitalisation, an innovative process which aims to enable the uptake of the results of a series of different projects/programmes/initiatives by identifying successful and efficient practices, ensuring their promotion, dissemination, replication and mainstreaming in public policies.
In addition to projects funded under the ENPI/ENI CBC Med Programmes, the Managing Authority has worked in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean and the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg MED Programme to identity their most relevant and suitable projects with a high potential for capitalisation and replication. In order to broaden the scope of the call, Applicants are also invited to consider the results, knowledge and experiences developed by other programmes and initiatives, including Interreg programmes with a Mediterranean coverage, WestMED and BlueMed, PRIMA, regional and bilateral cooperation under the European Neighbourhood Instrument, etc.
Considering the current context marked by COVID-19 pandemic and in view of the global economic downturn, Applicants are encouraged to develop actions that can foster the socio-economic regeneration across the Mediiterranean area, in terms of:
To maximise the impact of the projects to be funded, all 4 thematic objectives and 11 priorities of the Programme are addressed by the call, i.e.:
The EU contribution available for this call is €11 million. The budget of the call could be increased to €15 million provided that a major change procedure at Programme level is approved. The financial support to projects ranges from €0.5 to €1 million, and up to a maximum of 90% of the eligible costs.
Both public and private organisations, located in the eligible territories of the following 14 participating countries can participate in the call: Algeria*, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia. Partnerships shall be composed of a minimum of 5 different eligible countries, including at least 1 Mediterranean Partner Country and 1 EU Mediterranean Country.