This service contract will provide technical assistance (TA) to the EU-funded budget support programme to support the quality of general education and the improvement of vocational education in Jordan. The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is to support Jordan in achieving enhanced social equity and sustainable growth through to free and equitable access to quality of primary and secondary education and development of relevant qualified skills for employment.
This technical assistance (TA), with an advisory and capacity building role, will be related to a number of sector areas to support the education system management for improved equity, inclusive and quality education. This may include support to monitoring of quality in the education sector, to data collection, analysis and utilization to enhancing day-to-day monitoring and strategic mid- to long-term planning; to supporting and monitoring teacher training; to improving management and delivery of vocational education, enhancing equitable access; and supporting communication and visibility activities in the education sector, showing EU support contributes to results in effective reforms and sustainable change in the country.
The overall programme, of which this contract will be part, includes a budget support and complementary services. Technical assistance under this contract, mobilizing a number of long and short term experts, will be provided to support the implementation of the budget support programme and services targeting the Ministry of Education. Professional assistance is also required for the design and the implementation of a communication strategy and for ensuring a visibility of the EU assistance.