Third El-Hiwar Summer School on Euro-Arab Relations, The College of Europe
Opportunity type : Internships / traineeships
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The College of Europe launches a call for applications forits thirdEl-HiwarSummer School on Euro-Arab Relations: “Euro-Arabfutures: Anticipatingchallenges, crafting solutions and building resilience together”. The College of Europe, as implementing entity of the EU-funded project El-HiwarIII, is very pleased toannounce that the call for applications for itsthirdsummer school on Euro-Arab relations is open. The programme, focused on“Euro-Arab futures: Anticipating challenges, crafting solutions and buildingresilience together”will take place from 17to21July 2023on the campus of the College of Europe inBruges.
The programme includes five days to enhance knowledge of Euro-Arab relations, strengthen skills andexplore avenues topromote cooperation in anticipating challenges and resilience-building.
The programme combines different formats in order to maximise the learning potential: •Live interactivelectures; •Dedicatedworkshopsfocussing on skills; •A study visit to theEU Institutionsin Brussels; •“Ideas lab” sessions during which participants will reflect, brainstorm and exchange ideas; •Social activitiesand opportunities to expand your professional network.
The Summer School aims at allowing participants to “Learn, connect, network, and make their voices heard by contributing to the discussion on Euro-Arab relations”.