This programme is a joint initiative launched by the EU and the International Trade Centre (ITC) and has as objective to foster trade and economic links in the Mediterranean region by helping companies, in particular SMEs, to access free-of-charge trade-related information.
Countries covered: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey
The programme implements an online portal that allows SMEs and companies to access trade-related information, including customs tariffs and technical requirement, in each of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries.
The EuroMed Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism implements a portal online one-stop-shop information system for country and product-specific information on tariffs and duties, import and export procedures, and market requirements in partner countries in the region. The portal can be accessed in English, French, Arabic and Turkish languages.
In addition, the project support a Help-Desk through a network of national focal points based in the Ministry of Trade of each partner country (the Euro-Med Trade Help-Desk) that will respond to enquiries on queries from SMEs on specific trade-requirements when not found in the on-line system.
This project will complement the EU Export Helpdesk, on which it is modelled, that provides free information on EU market requirements:
Implementing partner: International Trade Centre, Geneva