Clusters are defined as groups of firms, related economic actors and institutions located near each other and with sufficient scale to develop specialized expertise, services, resources, suppliers and skills.
The overall objective of Euromed Clusters Forward is to empower clusters to promote inclusive innovation and competitiveness in the South Neighbourhood region in order to enhance growth, economic diversification, sustainable development and employment.
Specific objective 1 focuses on improving the regulatory framework of clusters and enhances clusters collaboration (with Europe and within the Southern Neighbourhood region).
Specific objective 2 targets the cluster level. It aims to improve the capacities of cluster organisations to develop forward-looking strategies and provide quality services to their members, increasing their business performance, innovation capacity and job creation.
Specific objective 3 aims at enhancing Euromed value chains by promoting forward-looking sectoral visions and supporting the creation of alliances of EU and Southern Mediterranean clusters in key regional value chains.
Examples of activities:
– Capacity building for cluster managers and members
– Peer-to-peer expertise between South and European Clusters
– Technical assistance on clusters policies
– Benchmarking visits in Europe & the South region
– 7 in-depth Technical Assistance for clusters across the South region
– Regional high-level working groups to share visions on clusters’ role and opportunities
– Tech Days & matchmaking events