Project Duration
2016 - 2019
€ 6.870 million
Learn more about the project

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

Building on previous phases, the EUROMED Migration IV is shaped by the European Agenda on Migration, as well as the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM) and the EU Communication on Migration and Development, which are closely aligned with the EU’s foreign and development policies.

Countries covered: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and EU Member States (Due to the current situation, the participation of Libya and Syria is on hold).


The overall objective of the EUROMED Migration IV is to implement a comprehensive and shared approach to strengthen effective dialogue and cooperation on migration, mobility and international protection issues between the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) South Partner Countries (SPC) and EU Member States, as well as among the South Partner Countries themselves. The project will support EU Member States and Partner Countries in enhancing a comprehensive, constructive and operational dialogue and cooperation framework, with particular focus on reinforcing instruments and capacities to develop and implement evidence-based and coherent migration and international protection policies.

Actions in brief

In order to achieve this objective, the project tailors its activities around two pillars:

  • Facilitating an effective North-South and South-South regional cooperation dialogue in the area of migration and international protection-related issues (legal migration, irregular migration, migration and development and international protection and Asylum).
  • Providing capacity-building and applying a new outcome-oriented approach which includes sub-regional activities, tailor-made national training programmes and a targeted technical assistance package for concrete actions.

Both pillars are supported by a horizontal and cross-cutting component, with a particular focus on communication through the dissemination of reliable information in order to contribute to a more balanced narrative on migration. This component will notably include the interactive Map on Migration (i.Map) and a related i.Map Migration Governance Traineeship Programme open to students and young professional of the region.

Implementing partner : International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)


Human Rights Migration