Generation What? – Arabic

Project Duration
2017 - 2018
€ 767,308
Learn more about the project

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

Generation What? is a 6-month cross-media campaign targeting young people between 18-34 years old built around an online questionnaire.

Young people in every country are first invited to complete an online questionnaire of about 150 questions. This questionnaire covers all necessary fields for the establishment of a portrait of the young generation in the country.

In each country, about thirty young people are filmed by the broadcaster partners of the project, while they answer the questionnaire. Compiled responses are available in each site as a 7 to 12 minute video module, allowing each participant to compare results with a panel of peers.

Four to six months after the launch of the campaign, the survey findings will be made public, generating wide-ranging debate in each country and across the region.

The results of the questionnaire and the video material will be used to produce news items, either TV or radio programmes, live TV shows or documentaries.

Countries covered: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia


  • National broadcasters will gain the skills necessary to implement a multi-media project which unlocks the potential of the Internet to share opinions and the potential of mainstream television to inform a broad cross-section of the population.
  • The project will create a replicable model for engagement which draws on the expertise and outreach of civil society in order to bring national broadcasters closer to young audiences.
  • The questionnaire and video content will raise awareness of core values amongst the target populations; the shared database will ensure that Arab audiences gain an understanding of how EU values are perceived by their counterparts in Europe as well as by their peers in the region.
  • Bespoke questions on the EU, devised specifically for Arab audiences, will in turn give EU decision-makers an enhanced appreciation of the way in which the EU is perceived in the partner countries.

Actions in brief

  • Training broadcasters’ staff
  • Production of video modules
  • Launching of the campaign

Implementing partners: EBU, ASBU, Copeam, Yami2 and Upian


Civil Society Culture Media Sustainable Development Youth