Support to the European Union Water Initiative Mediterranean Component (MED EUWI)

Project Duration
2010 - 2012
€1.02 million

Brief Description

Supports the Mediterranean European Union Water Initiative (MED EUWI) Secretariat in the implementation of its activities, promoting the adoption of Integrated Water Resource Management principles in policies and actions

Countries covered: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey


The project provides technical support to the MED EUWI Secretariat in the framework of the Mediterranean Component of the EU Water Initiative, one of the components of the EU Water Initiative (EUWI) launched in 2002 as a common European approach to meet the challenges of water-related Millennium Development Goals. The fundamental objectives of the EUWI refer to water supply and sanitation, and Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM).

The project aims to promote the adoption of IWRM governance principles through their use for the definition and implementation of water management policies and measures at both national and regional levels, mainly through the implementation of national policy dialogues

What Does It Do

The project supports the MED EUWI Secretariat in conducting country policy dialogues on IWRM in a number of Mediterranean countries that request this. The dialogues are supported by relevant studies around which dialogue and consultation processes are built up.

The project further supports the implementation of pilot projects in river basins outside the EU where WFD principles can be tested and applied under local conditions.

Actions in brief

  • Contributes to the development of water policies and instruments in the different countries that participate in the dialogue;
  • Evaluates dialogue processes on the achievement of objectives, produces relevant studies supporting the dialogues and offers a complete and regularly updated database on country dialogue documentation;
  • Provides technical support to the implementation of pilot projects in river basins. 
Environment & Climate change