Recent accelerated climate change has exacerbated existing environmental problems in the Mediterranean Basin that are caused by the combination of changes in land use, increasing pollution and declining biodiversity. In most impact domains (such as water, ecosystems, food, health and security), current changes and future scenarios consistently point to significant and increasing risks during the coming decades. Policies for the sustainable development of Mediterranean countries need to mitigate these risks and consider adaptation options, but currently lack adequate information, particularly for the most vulnerable southern Mediterranean societies, where fewer systematic observations schemes and impact models are based.
A dedicated effort to synthesize existing scientific knowledge across disciplines is underway and aims to provide a better understanding of the combined risks posed. This effort has been undertaken by the network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change (MedECC) supported by the Union for the Mediterranean and Plan Bleu (UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center). This document presents preliminary conclusions of the assessment.
The purpose of this report is to provide the best scientific information on risks from climate and environmental change for the Mediterranean region, facilitate decision-making and help achieve the Nationally-Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement, National Adaptation Plans and other policies and foster regional and concerted cooperation in all fields relevant to climate and environmental change.