Aisha Abdul Nabi
My name is Aeshah Abdel Salam Mohamed Abdel Nabi, from the city of Sebha, I am 21 years old. I live in Benghazi and study there at the Department of Political Science, University of Benghazi in the last year.
I am now a member of the Connect Network, with the European Union, I submitted three projects to the United Nations Development Fund and all accepted and implemented, I also managed to work as a project resident with international companies, for projects affiliated with the International Organization for Migration, and the Handicap, and later the World Health Organization, and I was able to represent my country in a debate program out of 365 that reached the final episode that talked about human rights and The spread of corruption in my country with decision makers.


But how did I get all this? Was it easy, and did you need to do my best, and sometimes I work under great pressure at a young age? Yes.
I worked ready and developed a lot of myself, I was a shy person in my childhood I did not believe in my abilities at all, I was bullied, and my abilities were disregarded a lot, but in 2018 I decided to finish all this and take my first step, I joined to train the debate in the Sabha Club for dialogue and debate, and this was my start by working with them I managed to win in a national championship for the council British Cultural In the debate after two years of effort, I was able to be a trainer and facilitator, and I moved to the city of Benghazi, and I worked in work with two international organizations in the field of training ACTED and PCI, and I accepted working as a trainer, the eastern region of civil society organizations trained more than 120 participants, and now I see them presenting projects and accepting, I am happy that negative comments no longer affect me.


I am now very interested and researcher in the field of human rights in Libya and peacebuilding also in the field of technology and building robots and 2023 will be a year for learning and achievement in these areas.

Life is too short to turn off my alarm and sleep. I learned that I have to work and learn a lot to reach my goals
Culture Youth