Creative Tunisia: Launch of the 2025 Short-Term Technical Training Programme

March 25, 2025
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As part of the Creative Tunisia 2.0 project – Job Creation in the Crafts Sector by Supporting Migration Stakeholders in Tunisia, a technical training programme has been developed. Its objective is to promote access for young women, men, and returning Tunisians to training in crafts, design, and fashion. Organised in creative hubs and dedicated spaces, these short, intensive training sessions will enable beneficiaries to realize their entrepreneurial projects, improve their employability, or increase their income.

Ast cycle: April – May 2025
25 training sessions organized in the Hubs:
Hub Design Denden, Hub Design Nabeul, HUB Design Mahdia, HUB Design GABES, and HUB Design GAFSA

Registration is open! To join one of these training courses, visit the creative hub pages now or view the detailed schedule at

Creative Tunisia 2.0 is a project implemented by UNIDO Tunisia in partnership with the Tunisian National Office of Handicrafts and the Office of Tunisians Abroad as part of the European EDMEJ program and funded by the European Union in Tunisia with a contribution from AICS Tunisi.

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia