Work-based learning and circular mobility were the subject of an exchange of views that took place earlier this month at the European Parliament (EP) at the initiative of the EP Delegation for Relations with the Maghreb Countries with the participation of representatives of three North African countries (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria), the European Commission and the European Training Foundation (ETF).
The debate highlighted the key challenges for skills in the region including youth unemployment, graduates unemployment as well as the weak rate of young people to get a vocational pathway at secondary level.
Key messages that emerged from the discussion were:
• The need to improve vocational education and training provision in terms of access and quality, with a clear focus on employability;
• The need to improve work-based learning by empowering businesses to play their role in training the next generations of workers;
• The need to promote and support circular mobility between countries in the region, and between north and south, also taking advantage of enterprise supply chains in order to promote employability.
The European Training Foundation is an agency of the European Union established to contribute to the development of the education and training systems of the EU partner countries. With an annual budget of €18 million, its mission is to help transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the EU’s external relations policy. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
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