DG NEAR hosts 17th meeting of the Core Donors Group in response to the Syrian crisis

February 17, 2022
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DG NEAR hosted the 17th edition of the Core Group on donor coordination for recovery, resilience and development responses to the Syrian crisis.

It brought together representatives from 13 key donor countries (Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States), international organisations (UN, World Bank), financial institutions and regional funds (the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, EIB, Syria Recovery Trust Fund), and the relevant EU services (NEAR, EEAS, ECHO, FPI, INTPA and JRC).

The Core Donors Group meeting deliberated on the pressing issue of violence against women and girls in Syria, including a presentation on the Euromed Feminist Initiative Common Agenda, developed through a year-long consultation process with over 250 Syrian activists, gender, and legal experts, as part of an EU-funded programme.

Donors exchanged views on early recovery in the Syrian context, including contributions by the US, several UN agencies, and the World Bank on their Syria damage assessment.

For more information

Press release

Countries covered:

  • Syria *
Human Rights