Diaries of Demo Projects supported by WES Project

October 17, 2024
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WES project has prepared a Diary for 6 Demonstration (DEMO) projects that demonstrated innovative approaches, useful, applicable and replicable methods/tools in the field of efficient use of water, in urban and rural areas.


The WES team in collaboration with the lead partners of Demos drafted the Diaries stating the milestones, highlights and results aiming to maximise the dissemination of good practices in the Partner Countries.


Here are the 6 Diaries:

Diary Demo Project WISPER, Jordan & Tunisia

Diary Demo Project Saving Water Growing Crops, Lebanon

Diary Demo Promotion of IWRM in an oasis environment, GIRE, Morocco

Diary Demo Project H2.0 Innovation and Water Efficiency, Palestine

Diary Demo Project Efficient Water Solutions Khan Younis, Palestine

Diary Demo Project ValeurGabes, Tunisia


Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia