Dr Reham Rizk: Speaking truth to power to tackle poverty in Egypt

September 5, 2024
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Dr Reham Rizk is the director of the Egypt Impact Lab, an innovative initiative that works to strengthen poverty reduction policies through research and rigorous evaluation of government programmes. The scale of the lab, and its position in the heart of government, make it unusual and influential. The Egypt Impact Lab is an example of governance best practice that could be of interest to many countries in the European neighbourhood and beyond. 


Egypt Impact Lab is a collaboration between the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development – the “ministry of ministries”, as Rizk puts it – and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab Middle East and North Africa,  J-PAL MENA. It is part of the J-PAL global research centre that works to reduce poverty by ensuring policy is informed by scientific evidence. 


Rizk said she owes a lot to the European Training Foundation (ETF). 


Heading up the Egypt Impact Lab is a big job, especially for a young person. Yet Rizk wears many hats, flowing from her impressive academic background. 


Rizk is an associate professor of economics for the University of London at the European Universities in Egypt, and in the master’s programme at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.  She is also an invited researcher at J-PAL MENA at the American University in Cairo, and a research fellow at the Economic Research Forum.  


Since Rizk earned her PhD, she has produced 11 papers, 16 working papers and three book chapters, and won multiple grants and fellowships. 

Countries covered:

  • Egypt