EBRD and Banque du Caire step up support for MSMEs and women entrepreneurs in Egypt

February 26, 2024
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The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a financing package of US$50 million (€46 million) to Banque du Caire (BDC), one of Egypt’s largest banks, to scale up support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the country, of which US$10 million (€9.2 million) is earmarked for women entrepreneurs.



The credit line to BDC will help to increase access to finance for MSMEs in Egypt and expand its outreach to new clients across the country.



Under the EBRD’s Women in Business (WiB) programme, BDC will allocate up to US$10 million (€9.2 million) to women-owned or led enterprises, with the aim of alleviating the financing gap for those enterprises and boosting their competitiveness.



The WiB loan will be complemented by an EBRD-funded technical cooperation package that will provide beneficiaries with advisory and capacity-building services. The package will also support BDC in testing and rolling out new WiB products to better meet the needs of women-led MSMEs, improving access to finance.

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Countries covered:

  • Egypt