EFI launches new project advancing the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine

September 21, 2023
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To mark the International Day of Peace, the EuroMed Feminist Initiative (EFI) and its partners are launching the project ‘Strengthening Feminist Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine, funded by the Agence Française de Développement.


The project is jointly led by EFI and its partners in four countries: the Women Empowerment Organisation (WEO) in Iraq, the Arab Women’s Organization (AWO) in Jordan, the Association Najdeh in Lebanon and the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) in Palestine. The
project aims to contribute to the effective implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPSA) in these countries.


These CSOs have substantial expertise in combating Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) and
advancing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda both within their respective countries and on a regional and international scale. They have demonstrated their expertise through activities such as
raising awareness, delivering communitylevel services, supporting grassroots organizations, and engaging in advocacy at local, national, regional, and international levels. Empowering women to
actively participate in peacemaking and peacebuilding is the central focus of this project, especially in
a region deeply affected by conflicts and occupation that have significant repercussions and oppression
impacts on women’s lives.


The project will support, strengthen capacities, and build synergies between nine nationallevel CSOs
and twelve CommunityBased Organizations (CBOs) working at the grassroots’ level. All will contribute
to the effective implementation of the WPSA and its four pillars: prevention, participation, protection
and rehabilitation.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Palestine *