Egypt: EU and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood sign the “National Children Empowerment Initiative”

January 16, 2024
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The European Union (EU) and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) signed a Grant Agreement “National Children Empowerment Initiative“. 


The EU funded Initiative aims to improve the provision of child protection services, promote positive behavioural change and provide supportive environment for girls and boys to develop their skills, access to services. This will be achieved through developing the capacities of stakeholders to provide child friendly services and the promotion of positive parenting techniques. The EU/NCCM Initiative will support 300 children, 70 parents and 70 teachers/and social workers from four governorates. The Initiative will also support in developing a standardized training curriculum to be used in training all personnel involved in child protection services.


Ambassador Berger said that the EU and NCCM have been enjoying a long history of working together, with more than a decade of collaboration on issues such as safeguarding children from violence in schools, preserving the rights of children with disabilities and girls’ rights, particularly access to education.  He continued “The EU Support to “The National Child Empowerment Initiative” reflects a strong commitment to improving child friendly services and promoting behavioural change through positive parenting techniques.”

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Countries covered:

  • Egypt
Gender Health Youth