Egypt: EU Delegation Appoints Five Water Goodwill Ambassadors

October 11, 2022
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The European Union Delegation appointed, for the first time, five EU Water Goodwill Ambassadors to raise awareness of the urgent need to preserve water and advocate for the sustainable consumption of water resources, in line with government policy.

The EU Water Goodwill Ambassadors will play a central role in the EU’s efforts to ensure people can achieve the highest levels of health and wellbeing. The appointment was held at a special event at the EU Residence in Cairo. They pledged to volunteer their time, talent and passion to help bring attention to water-related issues and advocate for climate action to address water scarcity. The prominent personalities will also highlight EU efforts to improve the lives of millions of Egyptians by creating jobs in the water sector and preserve the valuable resource.

For the first time the EU in Egypt appoints five Water Goodwill Ambassadors who will have an important mission: they will put in the spotlight the urgent need to conserve water across Egypt and create a common understanding of how water should be used and managed. The EU and Egypt have a long-standing, deep cooperation in the water sector with several infrastructure and water preservation projects. Now we want to put a human face in our efforts and raise awareness about sustainable water consumption and help communities use water more efficiently.” EU Ambassador Christian Berger said.

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Countries covered:

  • Egypt