Egypt: Plastic Busters CAP national training on marine litter monitoring and mitigation measures

February 28, 2023
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Plastic Busters Cap organises in Egypt (Marsa Matruh) the national training on marine litter monitoring and mitigation measures on the 1st and the 2nd March 2023 which targets the Mediterranean marine litter practitioners from Egypt and aims to enhance their capacities in designing and implementing a comprehensive marine litter monitoring strategy.


The national training is organized by El Ramis Society for Local Community Development of Barrany, MIO-ECSDE and University of Siena.


The first training day will focus on the following themes:


  • Monitoring approaches for macrolitter on the coastal & marine environment
  • Monitoring approaches for microlitter on the coastal & marine environment
  • Monitoring approaches for assessing the presence and effects of marine litter of biota.

The second day will focus on field work on the following topics:


  • Beach macrolitter monitoring and microplastics sampling from beach sediments
  • Floating macrolitter monitoring and floating microplastics sampling with manta net
  • Lab work in processing & analysis of water and beach sediment samples for litter detection and processing & analysis of biota samples for litter detection.
For more information
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Countries covered:

  • Egypt