EMEA becomes UNEP/MAP Partner

April 25, 2024
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The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA has been admitted as a partner organization by the Mediterranean Action Plan of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/MAP), according to COP 23 Decision IG.26/2 (Annex III).



As a Partner, EMEA participates as Observer Organisation in the meetings of the Contracting Parties and other activities, and provides expertise and technical support to pursue objectives and promote policies, strategies and programmes derived from the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols.



EMEA was one of the organisations that were invited to participate to the 23rd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP 23), which took place in Portoroz, Slovenia on 05 – 08 December 2023. Representatives from 21 Mediterranean countries attended the Convention which was organised by UNEP/MAP.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia