EMEA webinar: “EU-Africa Partnership: Is the EU still a relevant actor for development policy in the continent?”

July 8, 2021
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2021 is a pivotal year for the future of EU-Africa relations, but it also comes with the continuing unmanaged global pandemic. The EU was very active since the eruption, supporting the neighborhood and African countries.

Organised by EMEA in collaboration with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), the webinar aims to discuss what kind of Actor will the EU be in development and cooperation with Africa, and what is differentiating EU from other foreign players in Africa such as US, China, Russia and others.

EMEA is a partner of the TRIGGER Project led by CEPS which kicked off in 2019. The panel will discuss the concept of Actorness developed by the TRIGGER project (on Trends in Global Governance and Europe’s role) and will present the preliminary findings of the research performed by EMEA under this project.

The webinar will take place on Thursday 15 July at 15:00 CET on Zoom.

For more information

Press release

Registration link

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia