EU and Egypt strengthen their cooperation

October 12, 2016
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The visit of Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations to Egypt on 11-12 October provided an opportunity for EU and Egypt to enhance their partnership towards stability, security and prosperity. The EU aid portfolio to Egypt totals more than EUR 1.1 billion in on-going grant commitments.
Commissioner Hahn met President Abdel Fattah el Sisi and exchanged views on the political and security situation in the region, including in Syria, Libya and the Middle East Peace Process (MEPP). They agreed on the need to strengthen EU-Egypt’s partnership in all dimensions.
With the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry, they took stock of the on-going discussions regarding the EU-Egypt relation under the revised European Neighbourhood Policy and re-asserted the common objective of meeting both sides’ interests and upholding common values. Governance, economy, social development, migration and security issues, as well as foreign policy were among the topics addressed.
Commissioner Hahn also met the Minister for International Cooperation Dr Sahar Nasr to discuss the EU-Egypt cooperation and with whom he signed six new Financing Agreements, amounting to EUR 129 million that focus on improving the quality of life of Egyptian citizens through inclusive economic growth, contributing to the provision of citizens’ rights, including gender equality and supporting priority projects in the field of renewable energy and agricultural drainage. Additionally it includes support at institutional level to on-going reforms in the energy and water sectors.
Commissioner Hahn also met with the Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker, the Minister of Trade and Industry Tarek Kabil and the Chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone Authority (SCEZGA) Ahmed Darwish, as well as representatives of the civil society and the private sector. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre webpage – Egypt
EU Delegation to Egypt – website and Facebook page

Countries covered:

  • Egypt