The EU, through its Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, adopted a EUR 37 million package to increase protection of migrants and to strengthen effective migration management in North Africa. The package will address migration challenges in Libya, Tunisia and Morocco.
In Libya, this new EU support will better protect and assist the most vulnerable migrants, such as the persons rescued at sea and disembarked in Libya, and will help their host communities. In Tunisia this programme will tackle the root causes of migration by boosting the creation of economic opportunities. In Morocco an EU programme will support the fight against racism and xenophobia against migrants by strengthening their legal protection. This funding brings the EU support to Northern African countries through the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa to a total of EUR 64.5 million in 2016.
“The new EU assistance package meets both, the very concrete needs of migrants on the ground, and those of our partner countries. Migrants stranded in Libya will receive assistance and protection, including support to return decently to their home country if they wish to do so. By supporting our partner countries in developing their capacities, the EU will also contribute to a safer, more orderly and efficient management of migration flows in our Neighbourhood, which is very much in our interest,” said Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.
The ‘North of Africa Window’ of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa covers the following five countries: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. This EUR 37 million envelope comes in addition to the first three programmes worth EUR 27.5 million that have already been adopted in June 2016 under the ‘North of Africa Window’ for actions in Libya, Egypt and the region as a whole. The underlying priority is to strengthen stabilisation in areas particularly affected by migration and forced displacement flows.
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EU Neighbourhood Info Centre webpage – migration