At the Global Gateway High-Level Event on Education, the European Union brought together the global education community to take stock of the Global Gateway education investments so far and mobilise partners, as well as new investments ahead of the September’s UN Summit of the Future.
Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen confirmed the European Union’s strong commitment to quality education as showcased by the €3 billion in funding allocated for education actions between 2021 and 2023, representing around a 13% of the international partnerships budget. This is in line with Commissioner’s decision to increase education spending from 7% to at least 10% by 2027.
At the event, the Commissioner signed programmes totalling €245 million. These include support to girls’ education in Zambia, support to research and learning mobility in Nigeria, a new Team Europe Initiative on vocational education and training in Africa, and the launch of an Africa-Europe Youth Academy and 15 new projects supporting academic mobility inside Africa under the flagship initiative.