The EU-funded Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators trains Algerian Electricity Regulator staff

October 15, 2019
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MEDREG is organizing a training for the Algerian Electricity Regulator CREG on 15-16 October in Algiers, Algeria.

Since CREG’s mission relating to the performance of Public Service Obligations (PSOs), particularly in electricity and gas distribution, is to ensure that the provisions of the Algerian law are properly implemented, the dedicated 2-day training session for CREG staff will have a twofold objective. On the one hand, it will provide information on the design and imposition of PSOs as well as on the activities, procedures, methods and instruments for taking over the tasks related to the monitoring and evaluation of the execution of the public electricity and gas services. The role and responsibility of the various actors involved will also be addressed. On the other hand, it will give an overview of the methods and practices used in the Mediterranean countries and how they could be adapted to Algeria, focusing on the acquisition of the necessary methodological tools.

MEDREG is the Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators, which brings together 27 regulators from 23 countries, spanning the European Union (EU), the Balkans and North Africa. Mediterranean regulators work together to promote greater compatibility of the regional energy markets and legislation, seeking progressive market integration in the Euro-Mediterranean basin.

MEDREG promotes a transparent, stable and compatible regulatory framework in the Mediterranean Region fostering infrastructure investments, consumer protection, and enhanced energy cooperation. Based on a bottom-up approach, MEDREG acts as a collaborative platform for regulators from the Northern and the Southern shore of the Mediterranean to exchange technical knowledge and good practices while supporting each other to reinforce their regulatory capacity.
The Association is co-funded by the European Union and benefits from the financial contribution of its members.


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Press release

MEDREG website

Countries covered:

  • Algeria