EU-funded MENAWARA project to participate in the 5th Arab Water Forum

August 9, 2021
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EU-funded MENAWARA project will participate in the 5th edition of Arab Water Forum (AWF) convened by the Arab Water Council during the period 21 – 23 September 2021 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Under the overarching Slogan “Arab Water Security for Peace and Sustainable Development”, the AWF will address three main priorities: Arab Water Security; Cooperation across Borders and Water for Sustainable Development including more than 14 different topics as well as cross cutting Means and Tools.

MENAWARA, in collaboration with International Water Management Institute, will actively contribute to responding to the real-time challenges of water resources management by organizing a panel session on Water Security in Mediterranean Region: Sustainable water reuse Strategies in Agriculture – Case studies & Regional Perspectives.

MENAWARA project (Non Conventional WAter Re-use in Agriculture in MEditerranean countries) is designed to enhance access to water through the treatment of wastewater to be re-used as complementary irrigation and to strengthen the capacity of governmental institutions, non-state actors operating in the sector, technicians, and farmers in Italy, Spain, Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia. It will last until August 2022 and has a total budget of €2.4 million (EU contribution: €2.2 million).

For more information

Press release

MENAWARA project

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia