EU-funded RESMYLE encourages 12 NEETs to preserve and maintain a natural site sensitive to pollution in Tunisia

February 16, 2022
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12 NEETs (Neither in Education, nor in Employment, nor in Training), young people aged from 18 to 30, from Tunisia (9) and Jordan (3), participated in the training workshop organised by the Higher Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technologies (ISSTE) of Borj Cédria, a RESMYLE partner.

The workshop took place from 7 to 20 February on the preservation of a natural site sensitive to pollution; the site of Sebkhet Soliman: RAMSAR site and ZICO in partnership with the Association of Environment and Development of Soliman (AEDS).

This workshop is one of the activities of the project RESMYLE – Rethinking employment and social inclusion of Mediterranean youth through sustainable development” implemented locally by ISSTE and led by CDE Petra Patrimonia, co-financed by the ENI CBC Med Programme of the European Union.

For more information

Press release

RESMYLE project

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia