The EU-funded PPRD South 3 has issued the following statement on its Facebook page:
“(..) Because disasters know no borders, civil protections cooperation is crucial to sharing knowledge and joining efforts towards a coordinated response. Being prepared to face together this kind of situation is in PPRD South 3 DNA.
In this exceptional time of health crisis and with the unprecedented unforeseen events that we all have to face globally, PPRD South 3 is adapting.
In accordance with the newly adopted rules of the countries managing the project (France, Italy, Spain), all the scheduled workshops have been suspended.
Nonetheless, the PPRD South 3 cooperation spirit is determined to continue. To this end, an internal think tank has been set up to propose new formats of exchange and cooperation between partner countries and the project team.
Civil protection services being often on the front line in crisis times, the modalities chosen will take into account the increased level of activity faced by the civil protection officers.
PPRD South 3 team will of course inform you about the actions that will be launched soon (..).”
The overall objective of EU-funded PPRD South 3 is to contribute to increasing resilience and reducing the social, economic and environmental costs of natural and man-made disasters in the ENP South region, based on the results of the PPRD South Program and the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).
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PPRD South – Facebook page