The EU along with other international donors have renewed their commitment to support the government of Morocco implement a national sanitation programme (PNA), with a new funding of EUR 88 million which will allow to develop new sanitation networks and build new water treatment plants in some 40 small and medium-sized cities throughout the country.
Significant progress has already been made since the launch of this programme: the connecting rate of urban dwellers now reaches 73% and the treatment rate is 36%, compared with only 8% ten years ago. However, further efforts are needed to achieve the 2020 targets: a connection rate of 80% and a treatment rate of 60%.
In his address, EU Ambassador Rupert Joy recalled the importance of the partnership between the European Union and Morocco in the sanitation sector for which the EU support to the PNA has reached EUR 100 million in the form of grants over the last 10 years.
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EU Neighbourhood Info Centre – Morocco