EU organises workshops to help Syrian youth find solutions to social problems

January 9, 2019
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In cooperation with Expertise France and International Blue Crescent humanitarian relief and Development Foundation, a ‘project cycle management’ study is being carried out in Turkey. The aim is to make Syrian and Turkish young people more sensitive to social problems.

In this study carried out under the auspices of the Qudra programme funded by the European Union and the Federal Economic Cooperation Development Ministry (BMZ), young people share their observations on social problems and work together to seek solutions to many problems, ranging from environmental issues, animal rights, child abuse and elderly care needs.

The Qudra Programme is a regional action financed by the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis, the ‘Madad’ Fund and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), working to strengthen the resilience of Syrian refugees, internally displaced persons and host communities in response to the Syrian and Iraqi crises.


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QUDRA programme

Countries covered:

  • Syria *