European and Egyptian partners visit EU supported development projects in Urban Areas in Cairo

July 28, 2016
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European and Egyptian officials visited yesterday development projects implemented under the EU-funded Participatory Development Programme (PDP) in the urban area of Ezbet El-Nasr. One of the projects focuses on improving the education services for children and the other one on building a healthcare unit with specialised clinics.  
The EU has allocated EUR 40 million and the German Government has contributed EUR 8.5 million for this project to improve the living conditions of the poor urban population in nine selected informal settlements in GCR (Cairo: Ain Shams, Ezbet El-Nasr, Matariya; Giza: Masaken Geziret ElDahab; El-Warraq; Boulaq al Dakrour and Qalyubeya: Khosoos; Qalyoub and Shubra El-Kheima).
Along with the implementation of small- and medium-sized infrastructure projects in cooperation with the three Governorates, the PDP supports the implementation of additional socio-economic projects through non-profit organisations and implements capacity development measures with the governorates and its districts. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre webpage – Egypt
EU Delegation to Egypt – website and Facebook page

Countries covered:

  • Egypt