The EU Sustainable Investment Summit 2021 is the first annual event of the European Commission on sustainable investment, following the launch of the European Green Deal, which sets the objective for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
The event, which will take place on 7 October, aims at raising awareness, bringing forward new perspectives and inspiring daring and trailblazing initiatives in Europe and globally. The theme of the launch edition will be ‘Make it sustainable: investing together in our future’.
The Summit will gather a line-up of high-level speakers from across the world, entrepreneurs, investors, financial institutions, policymakers, civil society representatives and citizens, who will exchange their ideas to unlock investment and finance to accelerate the transition towards climate neutrality.
The EU Sustainable Investment Summit 2021 is part of a broader initiative, the Conference on the Future of Europe, which enables people from across Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common future.
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