European Union and Jordan confirm ever stronger partnership at their 15th Association Council

July 16, 2024
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The European Union and Jordan held the fifteenth meeting of their Association Council on 15 July 2024 in Brussels, in which they reviewed their increasingly dynamic and multifaceted partnership. 


In the meeting, held in the framework of the EU-Jordan Association Agreement (in force since 2002) and the EU-Jordan Partnership Priorities for 2021-2027 adopted in June 2022, both parties recognized the importance they attach to their relationship. 


The EU and Jordan reaffirmed their commitment to uphold their democratic principles and fundamental human rights as set out in the universal declaration on human rights and in the EU-Jordan Association Agreement. 


They welcomed the progress achieved in the context of Jordan’s political, economic and administrative modernisation process, including recent economic and structural reforms and through the reform of Jordan’s public administration and efforts aiming at further empowering women and youth in decision-making and in public life. 


Both sides agreed to work together to further support capacity building in the education sector, including among other priorities, technical education and vocational training, scholarships, and addressing the educational gap caused by COVID-19. 


The EU confirmed its continued commitment to assist Jordan in successfully tackling the multiple challenges in the context of increased uncertainty and geopolitical instability, as demonstrated by the new commitments made during HM King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein’s visit to Brussels on 7 November 2023, amounting to more than €900 million in grants and loans, and by the European Commission’s recent proposal for a new Macro-Financial Assistance operation worth up to €500 million. 


The EU and Jordan also agreed to deepen cooperation in the field of economic and private sector development. In this context, the second meeting of the “EU-Jordan Investment Platform” and the organization of the first ever “EU-Jordan Business Forum” of 11 June 2024 in Amman allowed to further cement such partnership.


The meeting also allowed for an exchange of views on a number of regional crises and global challenges. Recalling the different United Nations General Assembly resolutions on Ukraine, the EU and Jordan reiterated their shared principles in line with the UN Charter of respect for international law, territorial integrity, national sovereignty and the need to solve conflicts by peaceful means. They condemned all violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights across all conflict areas. 


The EU and Jordan will redouble efforts to reach an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza that ends the war and the humanitarian catastrophe it causes without delay, and reiterate their call for the immediate and full implementation of the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions, and support for the US ceasefire proposal announced on 31 May 2024, as per UNSC Resolution 2735. 


The EU and Jordan also underlined the essential role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) for providing vital services to millions of people in the region, and expressed their commitment to continue supporting the Agency to fulfil its UN mandate.


The EU and Jordan reiterated that the only path to a just, lasting and comprehensive resolution of the conflict in the Middle East is the two-state solution that ends occupation and leads to the establishment of an independent, contiguous, sovereign and viable Palestinian State, based on the lines of 4 June 1967, living side by side with the State of Israel in peace, security and mutual recognition, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with international law and UN Security Council resolutions, and agreed parameters. The EU and Jordan also reiterated the importance of upholding the historic status quo for the holy sites in Jerusalem, including with regards to the historic Hashemite Custodianship.


The EU and Jordan stressed the necessity of ending the Syrian crisis through a political solution in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254, preserving the unity and territorial integrity of Syria, ensuring the enduring defeat of terrorism, alleviating the humanitarian suffering of the Syrian people, and leading to conditions conducive to the voluntary, dignified, and safe return of refugees. They agreed that achieving this solution is key to regional stability.

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Countries covered:

  • Jordan