The European Union boosts Jordan’s capacity to identify and investigate human trafficking

September 10, 2018
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24 law enforcement officers from the Public Security Directorate in Jordan are participating in a two-week training programme on trafficking in human beings, irregular migration and return. It is organised by ICMPD within the European Union funded project “Support to the Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan” (JEMPAS). The training, running from 27 August – 6 September, is the latest activity implemented by JEMPAS aimed at increasing Jordan’s capacity to combat human trafficking, in line with one of the key objectives of the EU-Jordan Mobility Partnership.

In Jordan, human trafficking may be identified in the service sector, such as in hotels, nightclubs, garages and car-washes, in the agricultural sector, such as on farms, as well as in manufacturing factories, domestic work spaces, and on the street.

The participants of the training programme are law enforcement personnel working in operational roles where they may potentially encounter and identify victims of trafficking during their day to day roles. The training is anchored around the principle of applying a human-rights victim-centred approach when dealing with trafficking cases and will provide the officers with the required information to identify and refer potential cases to the competent authorities in Jordan.

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Press release


Countries covered:

  • Jordan