IPMED held its closure event about Intellectual Property in Jordan

September 11, 2023
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The closure ceremony of the project IPMED “Intellectual Property Capacities  for Smart Inclusive Growth in the Mediterranean Region,” was held on 31 august 2023 in Amman. IPMED was implemented an led by JEDCO with the participation of institutions from Italy, Greece, and Tunisia and funded by the ENI CBC MED Programme over the past three years, with the participation of a number of representatives of relevant stakeholders and decision makers in the Intellectual Property ecosystem.


Mr. Patrick Lambrechts, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Jordan, praised “the IPMED project as one innovative and ambitious project put forward by the Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation” and added that the “EU will continue to fund programs which support cooperation across borders in the Mediterranean area with a clear focus on the green and digital transition”.


The IPMED project through its partners in Jordan, Greece, Italy and Tunisia and concerned stakeholders in the Intellectual property and Innovation ecosystem implemented different activities such as conducting a specialized and tailored Training program in IP for more than 250 trainees. They held group of panel discussions with the involving partners in each country to discuss intellectual property policies and laws. They also provided special diagnostic services for intellectual property for startups, small and medium companies, and entrepreneurs from the youth sector, and provided financial grants for a number of pioneering projects in this field.

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Countries covered:

  • Jordan