Jordan marks start of new chapter in cultural policy-making: Med Culture to present National Culture Strategy in Amman

December 5, 2016
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The EU-funded Med Culture Porgramme will present the first draft of the National Strategy for culture for Jordan, at a 2nd National Consultative Workshop to be held in Amman on 6-7 December 2016. The draft Strategy is a concrete result of the deliberations and exchanges that took place as part of the 1st National Consultative Workshop convened in Amman earlier this year.
This first draft of the strategy, developed with the active participation of the Jordanian Ministry of Culture, as well as a broad participation of Jordanian cultural operators of the independent sector, received the Ministry’s approval in September 2016.
About 80 Jordanian cultural operators, representatives of line ministries – Culture, Municipal Affairs, Higher Education, Education, Planning and International Cooperation, and Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities, as well as representatives of local authorities are expected to participate in this 2nd National Consultative workshop.
It will be an opportunity for all participants to work on the action plan and definition of parameters for monitoring and evaluation in the most workable format possible.
The National Strategy for Culture has been defined as a priority need by Jordanians – both civil society operators and officials during consultation meetings held by Med Culture earlier in 2014 and 2015 – as well as the Ministry of Culture’s decision in 2015 to draw such a strategy.
Med Culture is an EU-funded regional programme that kicked off in February 2014 with the aim of sustaining the creation of institutional and social environments to support culture as a vector for freedom of expression and sustainable development. This should be accomplished by reinforcing the capacities of the public and private cultural sectors as vectors for democratisation, and economic and social development for societies in the Southern Mediterranean.
Med Culture is part of the regional programme “Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean” which has been allocated a total budget of EUR 17 million over a four-year period, of which EUR 9 million is for the award of grants on a co-financing basis, and EUR 8 million for one capacity-development mechanism on media (Med Media) and one capacity development mechanism on culture (Med Culture).
Read more
Med Culture website
Media and Culture for Development in the Southern Mediterranean Region Programme –project fiche

Countries covered:

  • Jordan