Latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood

May 8, 2017
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Tenders, grants, calls for proposals and jobs from the European Neighbourhood: Have you missed any opportunities this week?

Click on the links below to find out the latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood.

Empowerment of young women and men in the Neighbourhood South through media

Closing date: June 26, 2017


Tunisia Media Support Program – Recruitment Notice

Closing date: May 22, 2017



Closing date: May 12, 2017


Accounts Clerk for the Administrative Section

Closing date: May 14, 2017


Support to civil society organizations in the framework of the Pilot Actions Program for Rural Development and Agriculture / PAP-ENPARD Algeria

Closing date: June 22, 2017


Call for Contributions for the European Union Border Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM Libya)

Closing date: May 12, 2017


EIDHR Call for proposals & Thematic support to consortiums of civil society organizations in Morocco

Closing date: June 09, 2017


Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of the Communication and its partners operating in the field of communication and audiovisual – Morocco

Closing date: June 23, 2017


Strengthening governance and monitoring of basic medical coverage in Morocco

Closing date: July 03, 2017


Pilot Programme to Strengthen Political Parties

Closing date: July 04, 2017


Regional Hub Civil Society – Neighbourhood South

Closing date: June 07, 2017


Support the preparation for the negotiation of the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA)

Closing date: June 26, 2017


Let Us Hear Your Stories! Call for Expression of Interest for Production Support for Georgia, Moldova, Libya and Tunisia

Closing date: May 12, 2017


Thematic Program “European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights” (EIDHR) in Algeria (2017)

Closing date: May 14, 2017


International competition rewarding young creative changemakers

Closing date: May 14, 2017


Call for green entrepreneurs, training workshop in Lebanon

Closing date: May 21, 2017


Cultural Heritage for Social and Economic Development, Egypt

Closing date: May 16, 2017


EU Technical Assistance to the Internal Security Forces – Lebanon

Closing date: May 29, 2017


Support to Euro-Palestinian cultural activities 2017

Closing date: June 13, 2017


European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Country-Based Support Scheme (CBSS) – Budgets 2016 & 2017 and European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)-Annual Action Programme (AAP) 2016 – Palestine

Closing date: May 02, 2017


Capacity building in the framework of the implementation of the Organic Law on the Finance Act – Morocco

Closing date: May 02, 2017


Call for proposal – Erasmus+ programme 2017

EBRD Opportunities for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia