Latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood

June 5, 2017
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Tenders, grants, calls for proposals and jobs from the European Neighbourhood: Have you missed any opportunities this week?

Click on the links below to find out the latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood.


The Anna Lindh Foundation Euro-Med Exchange Programme

Closing date: 15 June 2017


Open call for participation to KIBRIT artistic residency programme 2017

Closing date: 25 June 2017


Training Dealing with Refugees: from challenges to opportunities

Closing date: 07 August 2017


Field Assistant on GIS and Logistics, EU-Joint Rural Development Programme, Egypt

Closing date: 25 June 2017


Administratif Assistant, EUD to Algeria

Closing date: 21 June 2017


Office Assistant – Finance and Contract, EUD to Algeria

Closing date: 21 June 2017


Trade & Economic Officer, EUD to Egypt

Closing date: 07 June 2017


Training of Trainers – Online Training Lab (July – October 2017), Civil Society Facility South

Closing date: 06 June 2017


EIDHR Call for Proposals 2016/2017 – Jordan

Closing date: July 05, 2017


EU & Civil Society: Partners for Development, Jordan

Closing date: July 05, 2017


Pro-Resilient Action inside Syria – PROACT 2016

Closing date: July 18, 2017


Strengthening Central Bank of Jordan’s capacity for maintaining financial stability”

Closing date: June 08, 2017


Recovery of affected marine ecosystems and development of marine and coastal biodiversity

Closing date: July 05, 2017


Political Adviser – EUSR for the MEPP Office at the HQ in Brussels

Closing date: June 15, 2017


Training of Trainers – Online Training Lab (July – October 2017), Civil Society Facility South

Closing date: June 06, 2017


Support to the Regulatory Body of Morocco for capacity building and for enhancing the regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety

Closing date: June 15, 2017


Institutional capacity building of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs (MEAS) in the field of Health and safety at work

Closing date: June 12, 2017


Empowerment of young women and men in the Neighbourhood South through media

Closing date: June 26, 2017


Support to civil society organizations in the framework of the Pilot Actions Program for Rural Development and Agriculture / PAP-ENPARD Algeria

Closing date: June 22, 2017


EIDHR Call for proposals & Thematic support to consortiums of civil society organizations in Morocco

Closing date: June 09, 2017


Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of the Communication and its partners operating in the field of communication and audiovisual – Morocco

Closing date: June 23, 2017


Strengthening governance and monitoring of basic medical coverage in Morocco

Closing date: July 03, 2017


Pilot Programme to Strengthen Political Parties

Closing date: July 04, 2017


Regional Hub Civil Society – Neighbourhood South

Closing date: June 07, 2017


Support the preparation for the negotiation of the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA)

Closing date: June 26, 2017


Support to Euro-Palestinian cultural activities 2017

Closing date: June 13, 2017


Call for proposal – Erasmus+ programme 2017

EBRD Opportunities for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia