Latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood

February 7, 2022
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Have you missed any opportunities this week?

Click on the links below to find out the latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood: Tenders, grants, calls for proposals and jobs from the European Neighbourhood.

  • Jobs opportunities, Trainings & Fellowships

Call for Production Studio or Film Director in Egypt, EU-funded MedUp! project

Closing date: 09 February 2022

Production of a 26-minute documentary film retracing EU supported CapDeL’s approach

Closing date: 10 February 2022

Press and Information Officer (Information Analyst), EU Delegation to Morocco

Closing date: 17 February 2022

Vacancy for the Director of the European Training Foundation (ETF)

Closing date: 23 February 2022

Funded traineeship for young graduates at the EU Delegation to Tunisia – Political, Press and Information Section

Closing date: 28 February 2022

Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives for schools and VET providers

Closing date: 01 March 2022

EBRD Know How Academy, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Closing date: 31 March 2022

General Online Training of the European Solidarity Corps

Closing date: 30 June 2022

  •   Competitions, Events & Webinars

Online dialogue among elected officials from the Mediterranean

Online event: 15 February 2022

The first Africa D4D Journalism Competition

Closing date: 28 February 2022

Selection of innovative business ideas and startups linked to the research community in Alexandria, EU supported INTECMED Egypt

Closing date: 28 February 2022

Apply for the Global Cultural Relations Programme 2022

Closing date: 01 March 2022

The 17th edition of the “Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press

Closing date: 01 April 2022

  • Call for Participations, Call for Proposals & Tenders

Production of a 26-minute documentary film retracing EU supported CapDeL’s approach

Closing date: 10 February 2022

Organisation of a sports activity/competition in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for the EUREP office

Closing date: 12 February 2022

Organisation of Activities around the European Year of Youth 2022

Closing date: 12 February 2022

Organisation of Europe Day Events of 2022

Closing date: 12 February 2022

Call for tenders for the provision of intellectual services – Council of Europe

Closing date: 24 February 2022

Calls for Proposals for Slow Tourism Product Creation – Egypt, Palestine & Jordan – EU supported Med Pearls Project

Closing date: 22 February 2022

Open call to bring creativity to the textile and leather sectors, EU supported Cre@ctive project

Closing date: 28 February 2022

Strengthening of the national veterinary supervision system for animal health, EU Delegation to Tunisia

Closing date: 07 March 2022

EBRD Opportunities for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia