League of Arab States: Opening remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell at the Ministerial Meeting

September 11, 2024
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“The European Union has given full support to the ongoing efforts of Egypt, Qatar and the United States. But the ceasefire agreement, prior to the implementation of the Biden plan, has still not been signed and does not seem likely to be signed in the near future.  Quite simply, because those who are waging the war have no interest in putting an end to it. So, they are just pretending. Less and less pretending. Because, as it turns out, their intransigence is accompanied by total impunity. If acts have no consequences, if blatant violation of international law remains disregarded, if institutions such as the International Criminal Court are threatened, if the International Court of Justice rulings are totally ignored by those who promote a rules-based order, who can be trusted?


I think we need to restate the basic principles of a settlement. The legal bases are here and have been clearly stated by the International Court of Justice. What is missing is the political will to implement them. We need to raise our voice at the next UNGA; and prevent a sort of ‘Gaza fatigue’; which will embolden the extremists and postpone once again the idea of a political settlement.  We have to launch a process where all parties who want to work on an agenda – a concrete and practical agenda to implement the two-state solution – can work together. 


Second, we need to revitalise the Palestinian Authority to support their reform process, but also to support [them] financially. Third, [we have] to facilitate all attempts at dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis, such as the one you have just taken up with [Nasser] El Kidwa [Former Foreign Affairs Minister of the Palestinian Authority] and former Prime Minister [of Israel, Ehud] Olmert.


Fourth, [we must] not give up on engaging with Israeli civil society, even in this context – and especially in this context. Everyone, not just the Europeans – Palestinians, and Arab civil society, must do it. I know how difficult it is to reconcile both narratives, but it is the only way to move forward.  Fifth, the Palestinians have to reach a common vision, to overcome their divisions, because the more these divisions exist, the more they undermine the legitimacy and representativeness of the Palestinians.  Sixth, the Europeans need to adopt a common approach. That is what I am working tirelessly on, – even if the success is limited, because I have never seen such a dividing issue among the Europeans, as the Israel-Palestine conflict. Seventh, the Arab States need also to adopt a truly common approach, in coordinating and showing solidarity. 


All in all, it means building a balance of power on realistic foundations for the two-state solution – before it becomes, definitely, too late.  I know, it is extremely difficult. However, we must never give up. There is a moment of total lack of empathy about the suffering and the pain of the other.”

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Countries covered:

  • Palestine *
Human Rights