EU Ambassador to Lebanon Christina Lassen visited this week the Nahr el-Bared Palestinian refugee camp to see first-hand the on-going reconstruction efforts, and to view the areas where house reconstruction for families who remain displaced will take place thanks to the EU’s recently announced EUR 12 million support. Ambassador Lassen also met with refugees who returned to newly reconstructed houses.
“In response to the Lebanese Government’s call for more support to the reconstruction of the Nahr el-Bared Camp, the European Union has decided to donate an extra EUR 12 million in addition to more than EUR 44 million for relief and reconstruction already provided over the last years. Today, I am visiting the Nahr el-Bared Camp for the first time to take stock of the reconstruction efforts. I met with both Palestinian refugees who have been able to go back to new houses and those who still wait to be re-housed. We are happy to see that the work is progressing, but much is still to be done,” said the EU Ambassador.
Almost half of the camp’s displaced families have returned to newly reconstructed homes to date with support from a wide range of international donors. Given current funding to the Nahr el-Bared reconstruction effort, it is envisaged that almost 3,400 families or 70% of the population will return to their homes by 2019.
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EU Neighbourhood Info Centre webpage – Lebanon
Photo: EU Delegation to Lebanon