Med4Waste in Jordan raises awareness on sustainable waste management to young graduates

October 31, 2023
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Med4Waste participated in a series of awareness-raising campaigns targeting university students and fresh graduates in Jordan. As part of this initiative, on October 5 th and October 10th, Med4Waste actively engaged in events focused on raising awareness about sustainable opportunities and better waste management strategies from the experience of its capitalised projects which are also funded under ENI CBC Med programme like the Med4Waste project.


During these campaigns, Med4Waste introduced Jordanian youth to the Med4Waste project and its projects on which it capitalizes the results (MED-InACEOMEDDECOSTREUSEMEDCLIMA). Additionally, Med4Waste presented to the audience  the Med4ZeroWaste course, which is specially designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a substantial impact in municipal waste management. The course was developed by the BETA Technological Center (University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia), Lead Beneficiary of  Med4Waste project. The course received valuable support and expertise from the Rezero Foundation. 


The first event was hosted at Al Hussein Technical University on October 5, 2023, and the second event was in collaboration with Advance Consulting under the “Mahartek” Youth Jo Level Up! project on October 10, 2023, there were over 100 participants in total.

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Countries covered:

  • Jordan