Mediterranean businesses to profit of over €17 billion trade potential

August 1, 2022
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International Trade Centre

Southern and eastern economies in the Mediterranean currently have a regional export potential of €17.3 billion, according to estimates by the International Trade Centre (ITC). However, about one-third of this potential remains untapped. Similarly, their currently untapped export potential to European Union (EU) markets amounts to over €44 billion.

Services trade forms a major part of the regional economy with an intra-regional export potential of €25 billion. The travel and transport sectors together account for 54% of the export potential to the EU and 77% of the potential to Euro-Mediterranean countries.

To make well-informed business decisions and identify opportunities within these promising markets, economic operators need access to up-to-date, comprehensive and reliable information. This is what the newly upgraded version of the Euromed Trade Helpdesk offers: the only platform that allows users to spot intra-regional potential, compare the rules of origin of related trade agreements, anticipate regulatory changes, consult foreign direct investment flows, and explore trade in services in the region, among other benefits. The data is continuously updated thanks to national authorities.

Moreover, a network of around 100 national institutions in 10 southern and eastern Mediterranean partners addresses the queries of users and provides them with customized answers. The network’s objective is to assist economic operators in trade-related issues and to harness greater regional integration in the most practical way possible.

For more information 

Press release 

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia