New e-learning platform on ENP available online

May 26, 2016
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A free of charge e-learning platform for the Neighbourhood is now available online. The E-Platform for Neighbourhood offers short courses on EU policies, European Neighbourhood Policy, EU-ENP relations, and related best practices, as part of an EU-funded project implemented by the Natolin Campus of the College of Europe.

The E-Platform consists of:
  • A distance learning component of 10 knowledge-based modules and 5 professional skills modules. Completion of 10 modules in total (7 knowledge-based and 3 skills-based) will make a participant (ENP national) eligible to be considered for participation in face-to-face sessions.
  • An Information Database System (IDS) which will collect systematised public information and documentation on the EU, ENP, EU-ENP relations, and best practices.
  • An online Expert Forum to enable participants’ discussions with one another, as well as with practitioners and scholars working on, or interested in the EU and ENP-related matters for exchange of professional knowledge and experience.
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