Over 150 participants at the EcoSwitch Festival, the first annual event for Green Enterprises in Lebanon

December 9, 2021
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The first annual EcoSwitch Festival for eco-entrepreneurs in Lebanon welcomed over 65 online participants and 80 people at the physical networking event, the Beirut Digital District, where they got the chance to meet and exchange collaboration proposals.

The EcoSwitch Coalition is a partnership of well-established institutions, NGOs and businesses that has been created in 2020 to strengthen the support to eco-entrepreneurs in Lebanon, extend and multiply their positive impact through targeted assistance. The event was divided into three days : online days: 23, 24 and physical event: 25 November, and included different knowledge-sharing discussions, expert panel sessions, speed dating and networking activities.

Launched under the ENI-CBC Med ProgrammeEU-funded GIMED’s main goal is to support entrepreneurs, particularly young and women, to better access to finance and markets in 5 Mediterranean countries: Spain, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Italy. On the ground, the project will train and coach eco-innovators and encourage financiers to invest in the Mediterranean eco-innovation sector.

For more information

Press release

GIMED project

Countries covered:

  • Lebanon